1646 Jan Jansson Antique Heptarchy Map of Great Britain & Ireland – Christianity in England For Cheap

- Title : Britannia prout divisa suit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum præsertim durante illorum Heptarchia
- Ref #:Â 82076
- Size: 23 1 2in x 20in (595mm x 510mm)
- Date : 1646
- Condition: (A+) Fine Condition
This magnificent hand coloured original copper-plate engraved antique map of Britain during the reign of the Saxon Kings between 500 – 700AD – know as the Heptarchy Era – was published by Jan Jansson in his 1646 edition of Atlas Nouvs, blank verso.
Of the three iterations of this map by John Speed, Joan Blaeu and Jansson, this is considered by many to be the most accomplished. It is distinguishable from the others with the inclusion of compass roses & rhumb lines, sailing ships and the Irish escutcheon.General Definitions:
Paper thickness and quality: – Heavy and stable
Paper color : – off white
Age of map color: – Early
Colors used: – Yellow, green, blue, pink
General color appearance: – Authentic
Paper size: – 23 1 2in x 20in (595mm x 510mm)
Plate size: – 20 1 2in x 16 3 4in (520mm x 425mm)
Margins: – Min 1in (25mm)Imperfections:
Margins: – Light age toning in margins, old ink price top right
Plate area: – None
Verso: – NoneBackground:Â
Splendid map of Anglo-Saxon Britain flanked by intricately rendered portraits of the kings through the 5th through 7th centuries. The monarchs to the left are those of the pre-Christian era, while those on the right are depicted receiving Christianity or being martyred for its sake.
This is often called the Heptarchy Map, as it presents England during the time following the Anglo Saxon conquest of southern England, approximately 500 to 850 A.D. known as the Heptarchy Era. (The word itself refers to the seven kingdoms that would eventually combine to form the Kingdom of England in the 10th century.)
To the left are the seven full length figures of the first aspiring Saxon Kings with their escutcheons, armies or townships;
1. Hengist – Kent 456AD
2. Ella – South Saxon 478AD
3. Cherdin – West Saxon 519AD
4. Erkenwin – East Saxon 527AD
5. Ida – Northumberland 582AD
6. Uffa – East Angle 546AD
7. Creda – Mercian 575AD
On the right there are scenes showing the conversion of Saxon sovereigns to Christianity:
1. Ethelbert – Kent 595AD receiving religious instruction from St Augustine
2. Sebert – East saxon604AD re-consecrating the temples of Diana and Apollo that later become St Pauls London and St Peters Westminster
3. Epenwald – East Angle 624AD embracing baptism by the armed exhortation of King Edwin of Northumberland
4. Edwin – Northumberland 627AD stirred by a vision to receive the faith
5. Kengils West Saxon 635AD converted by the preaching of St Berinus
6. Peada Mercia 650 receiving the Faith by the persuasion of King Osway of Northumberland but also being murdered by his own mothers, some say his wifes, procurement.
7. Ethenwolfe South Saxon 662AD being baptised at Oxford by St Berinus (Ref Shirley, Tooley, M&B)
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